So most of you are probably wondering how KiTTiE got together...well you all should know by now how it happened, and if you don't then...well you know...ok you don't, but I'm still not telling you. Ok I'll just shut up now. But I won't. I'll explain to you how KiTTiE originally got together instead. You'll all like that better, won't you? Okey here we go. One day in 1996 (not very creative huh?) Mercedes met up with Fallon at a gymnastics class. They were talking about Kurt Cobain and found out they have the same mustical interests. They had their instruments and started playing covers from the radio in the Lander's basement. Morgan eventually heard them and waltzed her way downstairs. She said something along the lines of "cool" and Mercedes/Fallon said "hey you can sing." Tanya Candler joined up (on bass) and then went bye-bye. They found Talena, who at the time played guitar. She switched to bass and joined up to the band KiTTiE. See how good i am at writing? I know, i know, you can all stop cheering now. Wait...no one's cheering. Well then fine, i'm just going to go cry then *sniff* i hope you all know how mean you all are *wah*!!!
Here's some lovely little bio's you can all gaze at. Go to them. Now.