Age 17
Birthday November 16, 1983
Zodiac Scorpio
Instrument Guitar: ESP Stef Carpenter Series, ESP Standard Vaper, Gibson Les Paul.
Food Peanut Butter
Drink Coke and V8
TV Show X-Files
Band Rammstein, Depeche Mode, Deftones, Filter, Perfect Circle, Tool
Song To Play Charlotte
Extra Info And Fallon Musings...
Personally, I think Fallon is a very good guitar player. She's originally from South Africa, and moved to London, Ontario a little later in life. She's superstitious...she lights a candle before every performance and has bracelet she wears to every show (she says she forgot to put it on for one show, and she did horrible) Nirvana is her main influence, as well as many other bands or singers, like Mariah Carey. Fallon was a huge Mariah Carey fan...then she discovered good music. She's about as short as I am (she being about 5' and me being 5'2'') which makes me happy cause I know there are other shorties out there besides me. Like Kyo! He's short...but we won't get into him right at this moment...we're talking abouit Fallon, right? Yeah, that's who we're talking about, the short one. I'm not sure if she's just a Vegetarian or a full Vegan...she's a vegetarian because one day she asked her mother what it was she was eating, and was turned off by the answer. I don't blame her. If I didn't like meat so much I'd be a vegetarian too. Except I love meat. Mmmmm yummy! Sorry Fallon. I think she has too many guitars and she really needs to give one of them to me. No, really, I'd like one, if she was just giving them out. But I don't think she is. Oh well...I guess I'll just have to buy my own...